by Heather MacKenzie
When your mood breaks from Winter cold to Summers’ warmth,
I love you more.
The sultry heat, the drone of far-off lawns mowed near dappled gaps of daisies
Dragonflies alighting on the lacy leaves of blue Nigella,
Bees laden with pollen tilting on their heavy takeoffs and landings,
Serenaded by sparrows joyful song of calling.
There is no sorrow in Summer, only joy!
Memories snap back, turning the pages in life’s photo album,
Screen doors slamming, sun on my back, grass at my toes,
Spitting watermelon seeds, plunging in sapphire waters,
Popsicles shared with family laughter and the taste lingers,
Everything screams, “Savor the moment, it is fleeting!”
When the leaves fall and bitter sweet, the sap stops flowing,
Then there will be time to ponder and look back,
But then, the green turns to scarlet and crimson and gold.
It is time to harvest and the crops reap bountiful,
Fall has its splendor and crisply wraps into Winters’ crush,
Settling a cold blanket of snow on Mother Earths’ body
And binds her in frozen wonder, shapely, naked and exposed,
Beautiful beyond words, a model posing for the waiting artist.
I think, then, I love you more.
Slowly, a miracle happens,
Expected, yet when it comes, magnificent!
Crocus pop their crowns of color upward,
The soil upends hidden treasures,
Unfurled gems sway on their stalks in vibrant strands.
Change creeps onward,
To melt and move, and mold the world, again, anew!
Rotations emerge, bursting in bloom.
And then I know. I love you more. I love you more, in Spring.
I love you, like the seasons. The circle is complete.
Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall. I love them ALL.
A carousel of seasons.
They bring each reason, each rhyme, each rhythm of poetry,
And reminder of why, I love you,
Because they remind me of you.